Monday, July 16, 2012


Phase number 10453: Nerd.

In the past 23 years of my life, I have been through many phases. Tomboy, country, basketball thug, skater girl, bohemian, prep, college athlete, rocker chick, alternative hipster, island hippie, back to a brief phase of hipster moments, and finally... nerdtastic.

It might have started to come out senior year of college on Halloween when I dressed up as Princess Leia. Fully draped in a white velvet robe with braided buns to match. To be honest, I think I have always been somewhat of a nerd. But today it's different. I'm a glerd... a weird combination between a gleek and a nerd. It's this collision of being into comic book movies and TV musicals. But not only that, I'm like never wanting to go out anymore. And this once social butterfly... is now the most awkward thing at the bar. Haha It's weird. And I officially feel like dorkness come alive when it's 11am and I'm on YouTube while at the same time thinking..... Shouldn't I be pre-gaming somewhere? And then I discover the 100th cover of "Call Me Maybe" finding it so unique and creatively well done. Yet again. 

I can't help to think though...

Is what I'm calling my nerdness really maturity in disguise? I'm not this raging college student anymore. I find myself actually wanting and enjoying reading books, articles and scripts. I thoroughly enjoy reading the news and getting involved in politics. And I drink more coffee than I do alcohol.

But here I am.... actually quite happy.

So What's next? Well for starters, I'm going to continue to make videos, cover songs on my ukulele and piano, work on my never ending website, start a script, and travel.

PS. Can someone say Comic Con?! Let's hope this doesn't get re-located next year. (San Diego I love you). After seeing comic con take over my twitter account, I can't help but to become mildly obsessed with the whole thing. All the movie premiers, TV spoilers, and quite frankly, all the amazing (and not so amazing) costumes. Maybe I'll finally fit in as Princess Leia.

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